Still in the area of Prambanan temple, approximately 1 km to the north, tourists can also see the sacred temple complex Sewu. Quite different from the Prambanan, Candi Sewu cultural heritage is the second largest after the Buddhist Borobudur. Based on the inscription and data architecture, Sewu temple built around 782 years old M-792 M, precisely at the time of Rakai Panakaran and Rakai Panaraban (an ancient king of Mataram). And sulk in the inscription numbered years 714 C or 792 F that is found here in 1960, the name of the original temple is Sewu Manjus'righa or Manjusri house, which is one Boddhisatwa in the Buddhist religion. 
         Sewu temple was completed around 1898 BC. This temple consists of one main temple, surrounded by more than 250 pieces of temple perwara arranged in four rows. Sewu temple is a Buddhist temple. This temple is also surrounded by a fence of stone walls that surround the page and the form of temple square. On each side in the middle there is a gate that serves as a temple entrance page. The entrance to each temple there are two giant statues that sit bersila armed guard and weather. When tourists enter the page of the east temple, they will see the middle of the temple center. Central temple, forming a square with four corner-sudutnya the prominent exit. For each side, appear to form a square temple menjirik out and each have a room / space that can be achieved through the front stairs. With a room through the east, tourists can enter the middle room, the biggest room. Meanwhile, three (3) a room other unrelated dengankamar middle. There are 4 (four) rooms have a low roof, the roof is high and prominent to the top in the middle of the four other roof. 
         With the narrow alley, tourists can see the temple and encircle the outside of the temple full of beautiful sketch-sketch. After passing through the gate, tourists arrive in the alley in front of the room. In all rooms, good room front maupunkamar middle, there are no more statues. After the building to see a temple, tourists can also witness the conditions in the vicinity of the temple. If the good weather and visitors sit in the middle of the temple under the shady trees Ketapang, air travelers will experience a comfortable and cool. When tourists visit to the north, appear to stand with the Mount Merapi megahnya. Looking towards the south, the mountains visible row sertibu the wall is a barrier gale, rice to be grown in the fertile land that is flat and fertile.


         Kedungombo hear the word of the mind directly to the effective size of a giant reservoir. The reservoir was this jar even coloring the national political stage at the end of eight years and tens of early nineties. Not only that, the parties, especially foreign developed countries prize bob up and down this problem in almost every international forum. Current penggusuran 37 villages affected by the reservoir in the claim have violated human rights. They only see the negative side there is indeed a positive impact is greater. The welfare of the people is certainly increased. Not only 37 villages but the village can take advantage of hundreds of resources for this reservoir needs in their various sectors. 
      Kedungombo reservoirs located in three districts namely a meeting Boyolali, Sragen and Grobogan. Area 5,898 hectares of the whole pool with 46 km2 and the volume of water equal to 731,000,000 m2. The length of the main dam 1.6 km, width of the top and bottom of each of 12 meters and 362 meters. ELEVATION high peak and 96 meters high above the lowest foundation 66 meters. Body consists of a levee urugan stone, elay and special land Juangi from the water-resistant, all amounted to 7,000,000 m2. Originally built specifically for flood control areas under attack, the WELAHAN Bum, Kedung hook, and Juana Valley Glapan Sedadi caused by river water Serang. However, with the functioning of Kedungombo, water can now go to the about 60,000 hectares of rice fields. In addition, the water reservoir is also used as a power (PLTA) and a source of drinking water taps, which is managed. 
         For tourism, this area offers the charm of a million unique natural beauty. While traveling from Boyolali toward another object, we have terhanyut in natural coolness, coolness natural environment tempo didambakan the first time the whole human community, especially now that the city always be tension, saturation, by the burden of boredom and routine life of the city. In spite of the distance to be from Boyolali Kedungombo enough away that is about 40 km, but the torrid atmosphere of the sun does not feel the sting. Throughout the trip, left the road on the right there is little forest mahogany and teak, which is always ready to give shelter and emit oxygen (O2) fresh. 
         Once entering the main tourist area, the tourists will feel as if taken to the natural life of another. From the gate to the east appear to regard forest tour with the background water Kedung Ombo Reservoir. Blend with the natural feel of the panoramic artificial creation of man is incredible. This is where the mystery majesty and omnipotence of the Lord of Hosts Pecipta quite evident terjelma and to fill the "thirst of the soul" the tourists. A unique scene is like heaven and earth met in one integrates the charm-tersalur realized through human ingenuity. 
         Wana Kedungombo tour, which is excellent in this area so captivating. Objects that are located in the Village District Ngeboran opened Kemusu this perhaps in the hope that tourists who come to witness the close of the Reservoir Kedungombo feel safe, and nayaman endure. Teak and mahogany trees that is a pleasure to offer neatly segregated. And as the attraction for tourists, in the forest tour is equipped with seating and health, where information, play facilities, fishing, or the shelter of the bus shelter, water, and MCK (Bathing, Washing, toilet). Parking a motor vehicle wheel and two wheel-and-four at the reservoir or in front of health. One thing is also interesting that the location of Wana in the tour provided a special place for tourists who want to camp.



Venue: Keluranan Bandungan, Kec. Ambarawa 

Bandungan - Ungaran City: 12 km 
Bandungan - Ambarawa City: 7 km 
Bandungan - Kota Semarang: 23 km 

Nature Tourism: tourism sport (jogging dangan mountain air, swimming pool with natural springs, Tennis) 
Mountain scenery is beautiful 
Flower Market, fresh vegetables and fruit 
the conference camp
Health Facilities: 
Star hotel 
Melati Hotel 
Virtual market (vegetable-fruit) 
Is the health of fresh air in the atmosphere of natural mountain charm complete with full facilities rekreasi. also a traditional market that provides vegetables typical Bandungan, Park children's playground and park for adults and swimming pool complete with a variety of amenities


Rail Museum 

Location: Center City Ambarawa 

KA Museum - Ungaran City: 15 km 
KA Museum - Kota Semarang: 35 km 

Travel History: The only museum berteknologi ancient monument in Indonesia that is used as a means of transportation before the independence of Indonesia until the year 1964 
Historical value of the means of transportation such as boiler, which is the implication by the invention of steam engine James Watt. 
Providing tour packages train ride through the steam power toothed rail. 
Power Support Tour: A number of hotels and star jasmine



Location: Village Kopeng, Kec. Getasan 

Kopeng - Ungaran City: 25 km 
Kopeng - Kota Semarang: 45 km 

Place : 
Nature Tourism: Panorama natural mountain slopes of Mount Merbabu with cool air. 
Vegetable and fruit market 
Hotel, meals House, Swimming Pool 
Easy to reach by car or two four-wheel 
bus routes are Salatiga - Magelang 
Located approximately 14 km way from the city of Salatiga  in the management by Puskopad A Dam IV Diponegoro, popular with the natural atmosphere and panoramic mountain views that interesting, there are various recreational facilities, such as bungalows, swimming pools, lodging and restaurants, surrounded by gardens of flowers, swimming camping and fishing world. Market vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants around the agricultural community and the unique souvenir Kopeng