Still in the area of Prambanan temple, approximately 1 km to the north, tourists can also see the sacred temple complex Sewu. Quite different from the Prambanan, Candi Sewu cultural heritage is the second largest after the Buddhist Borobudur. Based on the inscription and data architecture, Sewu temple built around 782 years old M-792 M, precisely at the time of Rakai Panakaran and Rakai Panaraban (an ancient king of Mataram). And sulk in the inscription numbered years 714 C or 792 F that is found here in 1960, the name of the original temple is Sewu Manjus'righa or Manjusri house, which is one Boddhisatwa in the Buddhist religion. 
         Sewu temple was completed around 1898 BC. This temple consists of one main temple, surrounded by more than 250 pieces of temple perwara arranged in four rows. Sewu temple is a Buddhist temple. This temple is also surrounded by a fence of stone walls that surround the page and the form of temple square. On each side in the middle there is a gate that serves as a temple entrance page. The entrance to each temple there are two giant statues that sit bersila armed guard and weather. When tourists enter the page of the east temple, they will see the middle of the temple center. Central temple, forming a square with four corner-sudutnya the prominent exit. For each side, appear to form a square temple menjirik out and each have a room / space that can be achieved through the front stairs. With a room through the east, tourists can enter the middle room, the biggest room. Meanwhile, three (3) a room other unrelated dengankamar middle. There are 4 (four) rooms have a low roof, the roof is high and prominent to the top in the middle of the four other roof. 
         With the narrow alley, tourists can see the temple and encircle the outside of the temple full of beautiful sketch-sketch. After passing through the gate, tourists arrive in the alley in front of the room. In all rooms, good room front maupunkamar middle, there are no more statues. After the building to see a temple, tourists can also witness the conditions in the vicinity of the temple. If the good weather and visitors sit in the middle of the temple under the shady trees Ketapang, air travelers will experience a comfortable and cool. When tourists visit to the north, appear to stand with the Mount Merapi megahnya. Looking towards the south, the mountains visible row sertibu the wall is a barrier gale, rice to be grown in the fertile land that is flat and fertile.


         Kedungombo hear the word of the mind directly to the effective size of a giant reservoir. The reservoir was this jar even coloring the national political stage at the end of eight years and tens of early nineties. Not only that, the parties, especially foreign developed countries prize bob up and down this problem in almost every international forum. Current penggusuran 37 villages affected by the reservoir in the claim have violated human rights. They only see the negative side there is indeed a positive impact is greater. The welfare of the people is certainly increased. Not only 37 villages but the village can take advantage of hundreds of resources for this reservoir needs in their various sectors. 
      Kedungombo reservoirs located in three districts namely a meeting Boyolali, Sragen and Grobogan. Area 5,898 hectares of the whole pool with 46 km2 and the volume of water equal to 731,000,000 m2. The length of the main dam 1.6 km, width of the top and bottom of each of 12 meters and 362 meters. ELEVATION high peak and 96 meters high above the lowest foundation 66 meters. Body consists of a levee urugan stone, elay and special land Juangi from the water-resistant, all amounted to 7,000,000 m2. Originally built specifically for flood control areas under attack, the WELAHAN Bum, Kedung hook, and Juana Valley Glapan Sedadi caused by river water Serang. However, with the functioning of Kedungombo, water can now go to the about 60,000 hectares of rice fields. In addition, the water reservoir is also used as a power (PLTA) and a source of drinking water taps, which is managed. 
         For tourism, this area offers the charm of a million unique natural beauty. While traveling from Boyolali toward another object, we have terhanyut in natural coolness, coolness natural environment tempo didambakan the first time the whole human community, especially now that the city always be tension, saturation, by the burden of boredom and routine life of the city. In spite of the distance to be from Boyolali Kedungombo enough away that is about 40 km, but the torrid atmosphere of the sun does not feel the sting. Throughout the trip, left the road on the right there is little forest mahogany and teak, which is always ready to give shelter and emit oxygen (O2) fresh. 
         Once entering the main tourist area, the tourists will feel as if taken to the natural life of another. From the gate to the east appear to regard forest tour with the background water Kedung Ombo Reservoir. Blend with the natural feel of the panoramic artificial creation of man is incredible. This is where the mystery majesty and omnipotence of the Lord of Hosts Pecipta quite evident terjelma and to fill the "thirst of the soul" the tourists. A unique scene is like heaven and earth met in one integrates the charm-tersalur realized through human ingenuity. 
         Wana Kedungombo tour, which is excellent in this area so captivating. Objects that are located in the Village District Ngeboran opened Kemusu this perhaps in the hope that tourists who come to witness the close of the Reservoir Kedungombo feel safe, and nayaman endure. Teak and mahogany trees that is a pleasure to offer neatly segregated. And as the attraction for tourists, in the forest tour is equipped with seating and health, where information, play facilities, fishing, or the shelter of the bus shelter, water, and MCK (Bathing, Washing, toilet). Parking a motor vehicle wheel and two wheel-and-four at the reservoir or in front of health. One thing is also interesting that the location of Wana in the tour provided a special place for tourists who want to camp.



Venue: Keluranan Bandungan, Kec. Ambarawa 

Bandungan - Ungaran City: 12 km 
Bandungan - Ambarawa City: 7 km 
Bandungan - Kota Semarang: 23 km 

Nature Tourism: tourism sport (jogging dangan mountain air, swimming pool with natural springs, Tennis) 
Mountain scenery is beautiful 
Flower Market, fresh vegetables and fruit 
the conference camp
Health Facilities: 
Star hotel 
Melati Hotel 
Virtual market (vegetable-fruit) 
Is the health of fresh air in the atmosphere of natural mountain charm complete with full facilities rekreasi. also a traditional market that provides vegetables typical Bandungan, Park children's playground and park for adults and swimming pool complete with a variety of amenities


Rail Museum 

Location: Center City Ambarawa 

KA Museum - Ungaran City: 15 km 
KA Museum - Kota Semarang: 35 km 

Travel History: The only museum berteknologi ancient monument in Indonesia that is used as a means of transportation before the independence of Indonesia until the year 1964 
Historical value of the means of transportation such as boiler, which is the implication by the invention of steam engine James Watt. 
Providing tour packages train ride through the steam power toothed rail. 
Power Support Tour: A number of hotels and star jasmine



Location: Village Kopeng, Kec. Getasan 

Kopeng - Ungaran City: 25 km 
Kopeng - Kota Semarang: 45 km 

Place : 
Nature Tourism: Panorama natural mountain slopes of Mount Merbabu with cool air. 
Vegetable and fruit market 
Hotel, meals House, Swimming Pool 
Easy to reach by car or two four-wheel 
bus routes are Salatiga - Magelang 
Located approximately 14 km way from the city of Salatiga  in the management by Puskopad A Dam IV Diponegoro, popular with the natural atmosphere and panoramic mountain views that interesting, there are various recreational facilities, such as bungalows, swimming pools, lodging and restaurants, surrounded by gardens of flowers, swimming camping and fishing world. Market vegetables, fruits and ornamental plants around the agricultural community and the unique souvenir Kopeng



Yogyakarta Special Region (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, DIY) is officially one of Indonesia's 32 provinces. Yogyakarta is one of the foremost cultural centers of Java. This region is located at the foot of the active Merapi volcano, Yogyakarta was in the 16th and 17th centuries the seat of the mighty Javanese empire of Mataram from which present day Yogyakarta has the best inherited of traditions. The city itself has a special charm, which seldom fails to captivate the visitor.

This province is one of the most densely populated areas of Indonesia. The city came into being in 1755, after the Mataram division into the Sultanates of Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo). Gamelan, classical and contemporary Javanese dances, wayang kulit (leather puppet), theater and other expressions of traditional art will keep the visitor spellbound. Local craftsmen excel in arts such batiks, silver and leather works. Next to the traditional, contemporary art has found fertile soil in Yogya's culture oriented society. ASRI, the Academy of Fine Arts is the center of arts and Yogyakarta itself has given its name to an important school of modern painting in Indonesia, perhaps best personified by the famed Indonesian impressionist, the late Affandi.

Yogyakarta is often called the main gateway to the Central Java as where it is geographically located. It stretches from Mount Merapi to the Indian Ocean. There is daily air service to Yogya from Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali as well as regular train service and easy accessibility by road. Yogyakarta is commonly considered as the modern cultural of Central Java. Although some may prefer Solo as a good runner up, Yogyakarta remains the clear front-runner for traditional dance, Wayang (traditional puppetry) and music.

Yogyakarta has more than just culture though. It is a very lively city and a shopper's delight. The main road, Malioboro Street, is always crowded and famous for its night street food-culture and street vendors. Many tourist shops and cheap hotels are concentrated along this street or in the adjoining tourist area such Sosrowijayan Street.

The key attraction of Yogyakarta is 'Kraton' (the Sultan's Palace). The Sultan's palace is the centre of Yogya's traditional life and despite the advance of modernity; it still emanates the spirit of refinement, which has been the hallmark of Yogya's art for centuries. This vast complex of decaying buildings was built in the 18th century, and is actually a walled city within the city with luxurious pavilions and in which the current Sultan still resides. Yogyakarta is also the only major city, which still has traditional 'Becak' (rickshaw-style) transport. 

Yogyakarta Special Region is geographically located almost equidistant from Indonesia's two most important international gateways, about 600 km from Jakarta and 1000 km from Bali. Yogyakarta also has excellent transport connections by bus, train or plane to the rest of Java, Sumatra, Bali and Lombok. Yogyakarta's Adisucipto Airport is in the process of changing its status in order to receive not only domestics' flights from Bali and Jakarta, but also direct charter and scheduled flights from other countries.

Geographically, Yogyakarta Special Province is situated in the Southern part of Central Java and lies between 7 degree 33' and 8 degree 12', South altitude between 110 degree and 50' East longitude. Some regencies of central Java Province surround the administrative boundaries of this region: 
Southern East: Wonogiri Regency
Eastern: Klaten Regency
Northwestern: Magelang Regency
Western: Purworejo Regency
The Indonesian Ocean borders the Southern part of Yogyakarta. The borderline of the seashore stretches from West to East of which the length is around 100 km, started from Congot Beach in Kulon Progo Regency and ended at Sadeng Beach in Gunung Kidul Regency. 

Because of its location, Yogyakarta is strategically positioned for the economic activity network in Java as well as for the tourist destination area. The special region of Yogyakarta lies midway on the axis of several main tourist destination areas, Jakarta and West Java westward, Central Java northward, East Java and Bali eastward. It is linked by regular rail, road and air services to other parts of Indonesian archipelago.

Climate and Weather in Yogyakarta 
The average daily temperature range between 26 degree and 28 degree Celsius with its minimum 18 degree C and maximum 35 degree C respectively. Average humidity is 74% with its minimum of 65% and maximum 84% respectively. The Yogyakarta Special Region lays approximately 7 South of the equator line and is bathed in tropical; sunshine along the year. This region has a tropic climate the daily atmosphere feels a little bit hot and humid. These are only two seasons along the year, the wet or rainy seasons and dry monsoon. Usually the wet seasons begin at September and lasts about August. Generally there is no rainfalls from may to August and there fore the atmosphere feels hot and humid on the day and cool in the night and early morning. The monthly rain falling Yogyakarta varies between 3mm and 496mm in which those above 300mm take place during the month of January up to April. The heaviest rainfall usually occurs in February while the lowest commonly happens between May and October Average annually rainfall is about 1,900mm.

Populations of Yogyakarta
Based on 2000, the total population of Yogyakarta special Region amounted to 3.311.812. Yogyakarta Municipality that has 461,800 inhabitants spread over 32,50 kilometers or the average population density is thus over 14,200 persons per square kilometer. The least densely populated districts is in Gunung Kidul regency which has 720.643 inhabitants and cover 1,485 square kilometers or the density rate is 485 persons per square kilometer. Since a very long time ago the Provincial territory of Yogyakarta Special Region and its surrounding has been decently populated.
The majority residents of Yogyakarta Special Region are Javanese whose language derives from ancient Sanskrit. However, as Yogyakarta is considered to be "Indonesia's academic city" due to the numerous centers for higher learning, many of the inhabitants are student who come from all over Indonesia to study.

Culture of Yogyakarta 
The culture Yogyakarta province with its status as a special region lies in the Southern part of Central Java, in the heartland of Javanese culture. As the former capital and the center of several kingdoms in the past, this region and its people are very rich in a variety of cultures. It is widely known from to historical records that the civilization, art and culture had developed well in the center of those kingdoms respectively in the Ancient Mataram Kingdom (8th - 10th Century) era, the second Mataram Kingdom (17th - 18th Century) and Sultanate Ngayogyokarto from the mid of 18th Century up today.

It should be noted that the cultural heritage from the past includes the magnificent temples, the ruins of palaces and monasteries, the various kind of traditions, cultural events, traditional folk and performing arts, architecture and other traditional activities. It is important to note that this is all part of the living culture of Yogyakarta, color of daily activities of live and the local inhabitants behavior, particularly the Javanese community with its traditional way of life and customs. Therefore, because of its culture richness and heritage, Yogyakarta has long been known as the cradle of Javanese culture.

The other legendary name for Yogyakarta City, among the elders as well as the youth generation that is the City of Art and Culture. Traditional and modern exhibition are held almost every day and night about the art of theater, pantomime, music, classic and contemporary dances, poems, etc. Those are flow in the heart of the city. Even more, there are abundant of cultural ceremony, such as Sekaten, Gunungan, Labuhan, Malioboro Fair, etc, which make the city has high value of tradition, art, and culture.


"Grandmother of my country is a seaman, like the wide ocean, waves hack no fear, through a storm is normal." Video songs that reflect the first ancestor is the skilful seamen. They roam to almost all waters and is being considered in the world. In the era kingdoms of Sriwijaya and Majapahit as has the famous sea fleet and strong. This is not so surprising, with the number of the very many islands, the sea is the main transportation routes at that time. 

Geography and the actual resources of the ocean, Indonesia provides recognition that Indonesia is a maritime country and the world's largest archipelago, with a sea 5.8 million km2, or 3 / 4 of the total area in Indonesia is the sea and ditaburi approximately 17,506 islands, surrounded by 81,000 km of coastal line with economic potential which is very large. Area consists of sea area Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE) of 2.7 million km2 and Territorial Sea of 3.1 million km2. 

This geographical situation with the fact that Indonesia is in a position that is important geopolitis the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, an area in the most dynamic percaturan political, defense and security of the world. Reasons for the above is enough to make a basis for development of marine resources as mainstream (mainstream) of national development. Industry in the coastal and marine plant, such as oil and gas, transportation, fisheries, and tourism represents 25% of Gross Domestic Income (GDP) state and 15% of employment in Indonesia. More than 7,000 coastal villages in Indonesia lives hang in the biological resources of the sea. 

Indonesia is the heart of the triangle area of the reef (coral triangle), which includes Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea and the Salomon Islands. According to the research The Nature Conservancy (TNC) - a nature conservation agencies of the world, in 2002 in the archipelago of Raja Ampat (West Papua) found 537 species and 1,074 types of coral reef fish. The number of coral species is 75% of coral species was found in the world. Indonesia also has a coral reef night of the world around 51,000 km2 which accounts for approximately 18% of the world wide coral reef. 

Which is the important question is whether the marine biological resources of a view that seems to overflow the numbers above have been used for sustainable prosperity as big as the Indonesian people?. 

Fisheries and face Indonesian Coral Reefs 
From various sources mentioned that some of the waters in Indonesia have experienced catching more (over-fishing), especially in the waters around Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi in part due to the distribution of fishers and fishing facilities are not evenly distributed in which 35% are Indonesian fishermen on the island of Java and at this time there are about 7000 foreign ships operating in the waters of Indonesia. 

Conditions above are not included Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing. Every year, India about 20 billion loss due to theft of the fish. In addition to financial losses, the largest loss experienced by the fishery resource itself. When the note on the whole, of the catch is classified in IUU Fishing akan seen that the losses in Indonesia is very significant. Based on the results of global research IUU Fishing is estimated to reach 30-40 percent of the total haul. In the definition of theft and illegal fishing, also entered the category of the catch is not reported (unreported). Included in the side of the catch (by catch) and fishery activities which are not regulated in the regulations and legislation (unregulated). 

Coral reefs also not much different fate to the fishery sector. The supply of fish and coral reefs are abundant Indonesia threatened by fishing practices that damage (destructive fishing). Fishing using poison, potassium cyanide and explosives has been widespread in many islands in Indonesia, even in protected areas. Losses due to damage to coral reefs around 100,000 dollars per km2 for 20 years and Indonesia has had its own 8.5 billion dollar loss 

According to the Directorate General of Coastal, Beach, and Small islands in the Department of Marine and Fisheries, that the condition can be described real coral reef Indonesia is 41.78 percent are in damaged condition, 28.30 percent are in the condition, and 23.72 percent in good condition. Meanwhile, still in very good condition only 6.20 percent. 

Development of Coastal Indonesia prosperity for the people? 
Indonesia there is a very big gap between political discourse with the reality. Political discourse about the paradigm of development in Indonesia was already very advanced, to the level of sustainable development based on good governance (good governance). While the reality of development policy and marine fisheries at this time Indonesia still have a period tumpu on economic growth (growth) only, which is counter-productive with the existing discourse. This is worsened by corruption in all lines and overlapping tindihnya inter-sector which in turn will drain out of coastal and marine biodiversity without considering the sustainability of biological resources is itself a source of life's important for the Indonesian people, especially coastal communities. 

One of the real evidence is the government's ambiguous attitude despite the fact coral reefs in Indonesia 6:20 percent live only in very good condition, but the coral trade policy is still valid to this day. Quota trading coral are still given. Syair meninabobokan always a nation that Indonesia is a country that is rich in coastal and marine resources continues with terbukti dihembuskan which issued a statement that Indonesia has the potential of fish resources around 6.409 million tons / year and at this time can be used about 4 million tons / year are . 

In fact, if we see the reality, on the place in Indonesia has been a catch over (over-fishing), such as water in the vicinity of Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi in part. Not to mention the wealth of fish in our many dijarah by foreign fishermen, and fishermen on the sea coast and Australia has been experiencing a fairly severe damage. Data Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) said, catching fish illegally in Indonesia for three to four million tons per year with a loss of Rp 15 trillion - Rp 20 trillion. 

Regulations and legislation that regulates various aspects of the activities in the field of marine management, the quantitative relatively adequate. During the last thirty years, not less than thirty legal product have been produced to set the fishery sector. However, the substantive, legal product is very apprehensive. The kategorik, products, fishery law has three main characteristics, ie, centralized, based on the doctrine of open-access, anti-pluralism and the law. 

Development that does not follow the existing layout, often create a conflict of interest in the coastal region, especially in densely inhabited areas and industrial areas so as on the east coast of Aceh and North Sumatra, Riau, North Shore, and the Bali and southern Sulawesi. Based on past experience when the deepening economic crisis, the environmental aspects of non-excluded sea-often in each dinomorduakan development activities. And the manager get the political pressure may contribute to foreign exchange for Indonesia to create policies that deplete marine biological resources. 

A Marine Conservation Area Solutions 
Sea Conservation Area (KKL), designed to survive and is able to be managed effectively (adaptive, social sensitive, appropriate culture and Ecological Relevant) can protect the sources of coastal and marine biodiversity of a remaining warranty at this time as the sustainability of livelihoods of Indonesian society in the future. Has been proven dibelahan the world, that, to the KKL is the best solution to protect coral reefs and other coastal ecosystems important, sources of fishery and maritime tourism asset. 

The Indonesian government has committed to protect 10 million hectares of marine in 2010 and 20 million hectares in the year 2020. At this time, declare the government of Indonesia has about 7 million hectares of Indonesia as KKL sea with the assistance of agencies and community conservation. President of the Republic of Indonesia - Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono countries with coral triangle has to invite all countries in the world to protect coral reefs in the world's coral triangle area (coral triangle) in an initiative called the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI). The initiative got a lot of support, including from countries such as America and Australia. (*)

Measurements Of The Economy Scarcity of Natural Resources

Economic resources are all factors of production is needed to produce output in form of goods and services. Resources is a component needed for economic activities that directly or indirectly required to meet the needs of human life that is not limited in number. Based on the provision could mean that resources are limited in a defined role for the utility (satisfaction) through the production process. Resources are needed not because of itself but as a necessary means to achieve this goal. In the fact of no utility can generate through the production process. For example, in the natural mountain scenery, beautiful beaches that can be memberukan satisfaction for the community. So that the resource is not only the value in the consumption but also the value that is not consumed directly. 
Availability of existing resources in the limited amount. So in this sense there are some groups against the pessimistic ketercukupan resources for the fulfillment of human life. This occurs because the number of people each year continue to increase while the equipment needs of human life (of) the amount fixed / limited. On the other there is a group of scientists who believe that the resources will not be exhausted, this is in line with advances in technology and the substitution of resources that can substitute for the fulfillment of human life. 
To measure the physical availability of natural resources is often done by the geologist, with a particular technology they can measure the quantity or volume of a mineral in the earth and the approximate time of the utmost akan. While the economy may also be a supply of natural resources dipermukaan particular, or in the earth can not even determine a certain volume. So that only one economist said that scarce resources or not, in this case is a dearth of economic scarcity is not physical scarcity. Scarcity of natural resources in economic development can be measured with a rill calculate price (price of natural resources); calculate the production cost (unit cost) and economic resource rent 


Indonesia has 17,504 islands (data of 2004, see also: the number of islands in Indonesia), about 6000 of them are uninhabited, scattered around the equator, tropical weather provides. Island population is most populous island, where more than half (65%), Indonesia's population lives. Indonesia consist of 5 large islands, namely: Jawa, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya.
Indonesia has more than 400 volcanoes and 130 of them, including active volcanoes. Part of the volcano is located on the sea floor and are not visible from the surface of the sea. Indonesia is a meeting place, a series of 2 active volcanoes (Ring of Fire). There are dozens of active fault in the area of Indonesia.


Some experts divide India on the three main geographic areas include: Includes the Sunda Islands of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi. Small Sunda islands include Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara. Maluku and Irian At the time of the last ice, before 10,000 years BC (Before Christ), on the western part of Indonesia there is a land of Sunda are connected to the continent of Asia and the flora and fauna possible move to Asia western Indonesia. In the eastern part of Indonesia, there is land that is connected to the Sahul continent of Australia and possible Australian fauna and flora move to the eastern part of Indonesia. In the middle there are islands separated from the two continents are. Because it is the expert on Indonesia biogeografi share life flora and fauna include: Mainland Indonesia Bagian Barat with flora and fauna with the Asian continent. Central Mainland Indonesia (Wallacea) with endemic flora and fauna / is only found in the area. Mainland Eastern Indonesia with the flora and fauna that is the same as the Australian continent. Third part the land is separated by the virtual / imaginary lines known as the Wallace-Weber, that is a virtual line separating the West Mainland Indonesia Wallacea region (Central Brazil), and The Lyedekker, the virtual line that separates the Wallacea (Indonesia Central) with IndonesiaTimur area. Based on the Line-of Haluan State (GBHN) 1993, the territory of Indonesia is divided into 2 areas of development: West region of Indonesia. Consists of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Bali. Eastern Indonesia. Consisting of Sulawesi, Maluku, Irian / Papua, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara.   

Great Sunda Islands

Consists of the main islands: Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java and Sulawesi, and with thousands of islands are small and not inhabited and uninhabited. This region is the concentration of population and where most of the economic activity takes place. 

Sumatra Island

Sumatra island, is a broad-based sixth largest island in the world. This island of west sea to the southeast and across the equator, seems to share the island of Sumatra in two sections, the northern hemisphere Sumatra Sumatra and the southern hemisphere. Bukit Barisan mountain peak with some exceeding 3,000 m above sea level, the rows of active volcano, walking along the west side of the tip of the island's north to south, so that makes plain in the west of the island is relatively narrow with steep beaches and in the direction Indian Ocean and on the plains east of the island wide and sloping beach with a shallow and sloping towards the Malacca, Bangka and the South China Sea. 
On the north island of Sumatra adjacent to the Andaman Sea and in the southern part of the Selat Sunda. Sumatra island was covered by primary tropical forest and secondary tropical forest that is lush with fertile soil. Gungng vulcanic the highest in Sumatra is Mount Kerinci in Jambi, and the other volcanoes that is a quite famous Gunung Leuser in Aceh, and Gunung Dempo on the border with South Sumatra Bengkulu. Sumatra is the area episentrum earthquake because dilintasi earth crust by fracture along the Bukit Barisan, which is called the Sumatra fault and fracture in the earth's crust basic Indian Ocean offshore along the western side of Sumatra. The biggest lake in Indonesia, there is Lake Toba on the island of Sumatra. 

Population density of Sumatra island after the second island. 

Currently, the island of Sumatra administratively divided into the 8 provinces, namely: 
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu and Lampung provinces and 2 in the fraction of the province is the main island in the Riau Islands of Sumatra and Bangka Belitung Islands.

Kalimantan Island (Borneo)

Kalimantan is the name of the island of Borneo in Indonesia (the country Malaysia and Brunei have also located on the island of Borneo), is a broad-based third largest island in the world, after Greenland and Papua. The north island of Kalimantan, Sarawak and Sabah, Malaysia is the region which borders directly with the Kalimantan region of Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam; in the south bordered by Java Sea. The western part of Kalimantan island bordered by South China Sea and the Karimata; in the eastern part of Sulawesi island separated by the Makassar Strait. In the middle of the island is a mountainous region and hilly, mountainous areas in Kalimantan Indonesia is not active under the high and 2000 meters above sea level, while the coastal region is low, swampy, marshy land and a closed layer of thick turf. 
Kalimantan Island dilintasi by the equator so that the divide on the island Kalimantan Kalimantan northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere Kalimantan. Soil fertility on the island of Kalimantan is less when compared to soil fertility on the island of Java and Sumatra islands, as well as density of the population are rare. Kalimantan island of Sumatra as well, covered by a dense tropical forest (primary and secondary). The island of Kalimantan geologik stable, relatively safe from earthquakes (tektonik and vulkanik) because they did not break dilintasi by the earth crust and does not have a series of active volcanic islands such as Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi islands. Terpanjang river in Indonesia, the Kapuas River, 1125 kilometers, is located on the island of Kalimantan. 

Currently, the island of Kalimantan administratively divided into 4 provinces, namely: 
West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. 


Java, is the most populous island of the population per square kilometer in Indonesia. Cross the island from West to East, is located in the southern hemisphere. Barisan mountains with fiery active high above 3000 meters above sea level in the island, one of Mount Merapi in Central Java and Mount Bromo in East Java which is very famous active. The southern part of the island is bordered by Indian Ocean, the beach and pitched in, the north island berpantai land and shallow sea borders with Java and Madura islands separated by by the Madurese. In the western part of the island separated by the island of Sumatra and the Sunda islands in the eastern part of Java island separated by the Bali by Bali. 
Forest on the island of Java is not selebat tropical forest on the island of Sumatra and Kalimantan islands and forest dipulau Java because of the more narrow the amount of population pressure in Java that the more compact and generally is a little forest and tertiary secondary forest. Big cities and industrial cities in Indonesia are mostly located on the island and the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, is located on the island of Java. The geologik, Java is an area episentrum earthquake fault because dilintasi by scaling up the earth fault of the earth's crust Sumatra island, which is released southern Java coast. 

Currently Java administratively divided into the 6 provinces, namely: 
Banten, Special Capital Region - Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Daerah Istimewa - Yogyakarta and East Java. 

Sulawesi Island 

Sulawesi island, the island is separated from the Great Sunda Islands ditilik when the life of flora and fauna because Wallace is a line along the Makassar Strait, which separates the island of Sulawesi Sunda Islands group of the time of ice. Sulawesi Island is a combination of 4 peninsula stretching, with rows of fiery mountains meet the active arm peninsula, some of which reach an altitude above 3,000 meters above sea level, fertile land, covered by dense tropical forest (primary and secondary). 

South dilintasi the equator in the northern quarter of the island, so most of the island of Sulawesi are areas in the southern hemisphere. In the north, separated by South Mindanao island - by the Philippines and Sulawesi Sea in the south of the island is limited by Flores Sea. In the western part of the island of Sulawesi Kalimantan islands separated by the Makassar Strait, a strait with a depth of sea in the very bottom of the sea currents and strong. In the east, the island Sulawesi are separated by geographic region Maluku and Irian by Banda Sea. 

Sulawesi Island is a habitat for many rare animals and animals unique to Sulawesi; among Anoa, Babi Rusa, Tarsius monkeys. The island of Sulawesi geologik very unstable because the earth's crust fracture dilintasi Pacific plates and is the collision point between the plates in Asia, and Australia plates Pacific plates. 

Currently, the island of Sulawesi administratively divided into 6 provinces, namely: 
South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo and North Sulawesi. 

Small Sunda Islands 

Small Sunda Islands is a group of islands in the smaller longitudinal equator from the southern island of Bali at the end of the western boundary Small Sunda Islands, in succession to the east is, Lombok island, Sumbawa island, Flores island, island of Solor, Alor island, and little to the south island of Sumba, Timor island and the island which is the point Sawu cluster terselatan Small Sunda Islands. 

Small Sunda Islands is the rows of active volcano with a high around 2000 to 3700 meters above sea level. Among them is the famous Mount Agung in Bali, Gunung Rinjani in Lombok, Gunung Tambora on the Sumbawa and Flores in Mount Lewotobi. Soil fertility in the Small Sunda Islands varies from very fertile on the island of Bali to dry desert in the island of Timor. In the northern cluster of islands is limited by Flores Sea and Banda Sea and the southern cluster of islands is limited by the Indian Ocean. In the western part of the Small Sunda Islands are separated by Java by the Bali and in the east, adjacent to the Maluku Islands and Irian (separated by Banda Sea) and the land borders of East Timor on the island of Timor. 

Based on the flora and fauna of the island of Bali is still the Great Sunda Islands, including the Wallace line of Makassar Strait in the north across the Lombok to the south, separates the island of Bali with a group of Small Sunda Islands in the era of ice. 

Forest in the Sunda Islands Small very little, even to the eastern island of the forest cluster has been changed with the sabana; also population density in the small Sunda Islands vary widely, from very dense on the island of Bali and to the east of the island cluster of the more rare. The geologik, Sunda Kecil area also include the unstable fracture dilintasi by the earth crust in the southern group of the Small Sunda Islands is the earth's crust continued fracture diselatan Java. Komodo, reptilia the world's largest island located in the Komodo, one of the islands in the Sunda archipelago small. Three Colors Lake, is a very unique area that is also found in the Small Sunda Islands, which is on the island of Flores. 

Currently, the administrative government small Sunda Islands is divided into 3 provinces, namely: * Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara. 

Maluku and Irian 

Maluku and Irian, the island consists of 1 Irian basar the islands and some islands are islands such as Halmahera, Seram island, the island and Buru Islands Kei and Tanimbar and thousands of small islands uninhabited other good or not. Weber line separating the region in two parts, namely Papua and Maluku archipelago with Australia so that in the Maluku islands, flora and fauna while the transition in Irian, flora and fauna in Australia. 

Most of this area is the primary tropical forest and dense secondary, except in the islands of Aru and Tanimbar the bushes and sabana. The highest volcano in the Maluku archipelago is Mount Binaiya, at 3039 meters, while on the island of Irian vulcanic active memlintang mountain from west to east of the island, the highest mountain is Puncak Jaya at 5030 meters above sea level. 

Pulau Irian is also a resident of the island with the most rare in Indonesia, which is about 2 people per square kilometer. The geologik, Maluku and Irian region also has a very unstable because it is a collision point of three earth crust plates, plates Asia, Australia and plates Pacific plates. Palung terdalam sea in Indonesia are located in this area, namely Palung Banda Sea, around the depth of 6500 meters below the sea surface. 

Currently, the administrative government Maluku and Irian divided up: 
North Maluku, Maluku, Papua and West Irian Jaya 


Indonesia has a wet tropical climate influenced by monsoon winds west and east monsoon. From November to May, winds blow from the North Sea to bring more Western moisture and rain in the area of Indonesia, from June to October winds blow from the South Southeast dry, a little moisture. The temperature in the low range between Indonesia 23 degrees Celsius to 28 degrees Celsius throughout the year. 

But temperature is also very vary;'s average near 40 degrees Celsius in the dry season in the valley Palu - Sulawesi and islands in the East until the 0 degrees Celsius in the mountains Jayawijaya - Irian. There is eternal snow on the peak-peak of the mountain in Irian: Trikora Peak (Mt. Wilhelmina - 4730 m) and Puncak Jaya (Mt. Carstenz, 5030 m). 

There are 2 seasons in Indonesia, namely the rainy season and dry season, in some places known seasonal period, the seasonal changes of the second season is. 

Rainfall in an average year 1600 millimeter, but also vary widely, from more than 7000 millimeter a year to about 500 millimeter a year in the East and Palu. Areas rainfall hujannya average is high throughout the year in Aceh, West Sumatra, North Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, Bengkulu, West Java in part, West Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, North Maluku and Irian in Mamberamo delta. 

Every 3 to 5 years are common, namely the El-Nino weather phenomenon that causes distortions the long dry season and rainy season is short. After the El Nino is usually followed by a La Nina the result of torrential rains and longer than usual. The strength of El Nino vary depending on various factors, among others, southern oscillation index, or Southern Oscillation. 

Data-geographical data 

Location: In the southeast Asia, the Malay Islands in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. 

Geographical coordinates: 6 ° N - 11 ° 08'LS and from 95 ° 'BB - 141 ° 45'BT 

Reference maps: Southeast Asia 

total land: 1,922,570 km ² 
non-water land: 1,829,570 km ² 
watery land: 93,000 km ² 
sea: 3,257,483 km ² 

Border countries: 
total: 2830 km: Malaysia 1,782 km, Papua New Guinea 820 km, 228 km East Timor 
Neighboring countries that are not contiguous land: India in the north west of Aceh, Australia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma 

Coastline: 54,716 km 

Maritime claims: measured from the base line of islands claimed 
special economic zone: 200 nautical miles 
sea, which is the country: 12 nautical miles 

Weather: tropical, hot, humid, slightly cooler in the highlands 

Plain: most of the coastal lowland, the islands have a larger mountain range in the hinterland 

Highest & lowest: 
lowest point: Indian Ocean 0 m 
highest point: Puncak Jaya 5,030 m 

Natural resources: petroleum, timber, natural gas, brass, tin, bauxite, copper, fertile soil, coal, gold, silver 

Land use: 
fertile land: 9.9% 
permanent crops: 7.2% 
other: 82.9% (1998 estimate) 

Diairi the area: 48,150 km ² (1998 estimate) 

Natural hazards: floods, long droughts, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, forest fires, mud, mountains, landslide. 

Environment - current issues: logging in the wild / forest pembalakan; water pollution from industrial waste and mining; daerak air pollution in urban areas (Jakarta is a city with dirty air to the 3 in the world); fog and smoke from forest fires, forest fires permanent / can not be quenched; perambahan preserve / preserve; wild hunting, trade, and extermination of protected wild animals; wrecking coral reefs; B3/radioaktif waste disposal from developed countries, without the separation of waste disposal / processing; wild bursts of mud in Sidoarjo, East Java. 

Environment - international agreements: 
part of: biodiversity, climate change, Desertifikasi, a threatened species, hazardous waste, Legal Sea, Prohibition Nuclear testing, the ozone layer protection, ship pollution, Perkayuan Tropical 83, Perkayuan Tropical 94, The wet 
signed, but not diratifikasi: Climate Change - the Kyoto Protocol, Marine Life Pelindungan 

Geography - note: the archipelago consisting of about 17,504 islands (6,000 inhabited); dilintasi equator, along the main shipping line from Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean