"Grandmother of my country is a seaman, like the wide ocean, waves hack no fear, through a storm is normal." Video songs that reflect the first ancestor is the skilful seamen. They roam to almost all waters and is being considered in the world. In the era kingdoms of Sriwijaya and Majapahit as has the famous sea fleet and strong. This is not so surprising, with the number of the very many islands, the sea is the main transportation routes at that time. 

Geography and the actual resources of the ocean, Indonesia provides recognition that Indonesia is a maritime country and the world's largest archipelago, with a sea 5.8 million km2, or 3 / 4 of the total area in Indonesia is the sea and ditaburi approximately 17,506 islands, surrounded by 81,000 km of coastal line with economic potential which is very large. Area consists of sea area Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE) of 2.7 million km2 and Territorial Sea of 3.1 million km2. 

This geographical situation with the fact that Indonesia is in a position that is important geopolitis the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, an area in the most dynamic percaturan political, defense and security of the world. Reasons for the above is enough to make a basis for development of marine resources as mainstream (mainstream) of national development. Industry in the coastal and marine plant, such as oil and gas, transportation, fisheries, and tourism represents 25% of Gross Domestic Income (GDP) state and 15% of employment in Indonesia. More than 7,000 coastal villages in Indonesia lives hang in the biological resources of the sea. 

Indonesia is the heart of the triangle area of the reef (coral triangle), which includes Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea and the Salomon Islands. According to the research The Nature Conservancy (TNC) - a nature conservation agencies of the world, in 2002 in the archipelago of Raja Ampat (West Papua) found 537 species and 1,074 types of coral reef fish. The number of coral species is 75% of coral species was found in the world. Indonesia also has a coral reef night of the world around 51,000 km2 which accounts for approximately 18% of the world wide coral reef. 

Which is the important question is whether the marine biological resources of a view that seems to overflow the numbers above have been used for sustainable prosperity as big as the Indonesian people?. 

Fisheries and face Indonesian Coral Reefs 
From various sources mentioned that some of the waters in Indonesia have experienced catching more (over-fishing), especially in the waters around Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi in part due to the distribution of fishers and fishing facilities are not evenly distributed in which 35% are Indonesian fishermen on the island of Java and at this time there are about 7000 foreign ships operating in the waters of Indonesia. 

Conditions above are not included Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing. Every year, India about 20 billion loss due to theft of the fish. In addition to financial losses, the largest loss experienced by the fishery resource itself. When the note on the whole, of the catch is classified in IUU Fishing akan seen that the losses in Indonesia is very significant. Based on the results of global research IUU Fishing is estimated to reach 30-40 percent of the total haul. In the definition of theft and illegal fishing, also entered the category of the catch is not reported (unreported). Included in the side of the catch (by catch) and fishery activities which are not regulated in the regulations and legislation (unregulated). 

Coral reefs also not much different fate to the fishery sector. The supply of fish and coral reefs are abundant Indonesia threatened by fishing practices that damage (destructive fishing). Fishing using poison, potassium cyanide and explosives has been widespread in many islands in Indonesia, even in protected areas. Losses due to damage to coral reefs around 100,000 dollars per km2 for 20 years and Indonesia has had its own 8.5 billion dollar loss 

According to the Directorate General of Coastal, Beach, and Small islands in the Department of Marine and Fisheries, that the condition can be described real coral reef Indonesia is 41.78 percent are in damaged condition, 28.30 percent are in the condition, and 23.72 percent in good condition. Meanwhile, still in very good condition only 6.20 percent. 

Development of Coastal Indonesia prosperity for the people? 
Indonesia there is a very big gap between political discourse with the reality. Political discourse about the paradigm of development in Indonesia was already very advanced, to the level of sustainable development based on good governance (good governance). While the reality of development policy and marine fisheries at this time Indonesia still have a period tumpu on economic growth (growth) only, which is counter-productive with the existing discourse. This is worsened by corruption in all lines and overlapping tindihnya inter-sector which in turn will drain out of coastal and marine biodiversity without considering the sustainability of biological resources is itself a source of life's important for the Indonesian people, especially coastal communities. 

One of the real evidence is the government's ambiguous attitude despite the fact coral reefs in Indonesia 6:20 percent live only in very good condition, but the coral trade policy is still valid to this day. Quota trading coral are still given. Syair meninabobokan always a nation that Indonesia is a country that is rich in coastal and marine resources continues with terbukti dihembuskan which issued a statement that Indonesia has the potential of fish resources around 6.409 million tons / year and at this time can be used about 4 million tons / year are . 

In fact, if we see the reality, on the place in Indonesia has been a catch over (over-fishing), such as water in the vicinity of Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi in part. Not to mention the wealth of fish in our many dijarah by foreign fishermen, and fishermen on the sea coast and Australia has been experiencing a fairly severe damage. Data Food Agriculture Organization (FAO) said, catching fish illegally in Indonesia for three to four million tons per year with a loss of Rp 15 trillion - Rp 20 trillion. 

Regulations and legislation that regulates various aspects of the activities in the field of marine management, the quantitative relatively adequate. During the last thirty years, not less than thirty legal product have been produced to set the fishery sector. However, the substantive, legal product is very apprehensive. The kategorik, products, fishery law has three main characteristics, ie, centralized, based on the doctrine of open-access, anti-pluralism and the law. 

Development that does not follow the existing layout, often create a conflict of interest in the coastal region, especially in densely inhabited areas and industrial areas so as on the east coast of Aceh and North Sumatra, Riau, North Shore, and the Bali and southern Sulawesi. Based on past experience when the deepening economic crisis, the environmental aspects of non-excluded sea-often in each dinomorduakan development activities. And the manager get the political pressure may contribute to foreign exchange for Indonesia to create policies that deplete marine biological resources. 

A Marine Conservation Area Solutions 
Sea Conservation Area (KKL), designed to survive and is able to be managed effectively (adaptive, social sensitive, appropriate culture and Ecological Relevant) can protect the sources of coastal and marine biodiversity of a remaining warranty at this time as the sustainability of livelihoods of Indonesian society in the future. Has been proven dibelahan the world, that, to the KKL is the best solution to protect coral reefs and other coastal ecosystems important, sources of fishery and maritime tourism asset. 

The Indonesian government has committed to protect 10 million hectares of marine in 2010 and 20 million hectares in the year 2020. At this time, declare the government of Indonesia has about 7 million hectares of Indonesia as KKL sea with the assistance of agencies and community conservation. President of the Republic of Indonesia - Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono countries with coral triangle has to invite all countries in the world to protect coral reefs in the world's coral triangle area (coral triangle) in an initiative called the Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI). The initiative got a lot of support, including from countries such as America and Australia. (*)

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