Measurements Of The Economy Scarcity of Natural Resources

Economic resources are all factors of production is needed to produce output in form of goods and services. Resources is a component needed for economic activities that directly or indirectly required to meet the needs of human life that is not limited in number. Based on the provision could mean that resources are limited in a defined role for the utility (satisfaction) through the production process. Resources are needed not because of itself but as a necessary means to achieve this goal. In the fact of no utility can generate through the production process. For example, in the natural mountain scenery, beautiful beaches that can be memberukan satisfaction for the community. So that the resource is not only the value in the consumption but also the value that is not consumed directly. 
Availability of existing resources in the limited amount. So in this sense there are some groups against the pessimistic ketercukupan resources for the fulfillment of human life. This occurs because the number of people each year continue to increase while the equipment needs of human life (of) the amount fixed / limited. On the other there is a group of scientists who believe that the resources will not be exhausted, this is in line with advances in technology and the substitution of resources that can substitute for the fulfillment of human life. 
To measure the physical availability of natural resources is often done by the geologist, with a particular technology they can measure the quantity or volume of a mineral in the earth and the approximate time of the utmost akan. While the economy may also be a supply of natural resources dipermukaan particular, or in the earth can not even determine a certain volume. So that only one economist said that scarce resources or not, in this case is a dearth of economic scarcity is not physical scarcity. Scarcity of natural resources in economic development can be measured with a rill calculate price (price of natural resources); calculate the production cost (unit cost) and economic resource rent 
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