Indonesia has 17,504 islands (data of 2004, see also: the number of islands in Indonesia), about 6000 of them are uninhabited, scattered around the equator, tropical weather provides. Island population is most populous island, where more than half (65%), Indonesia's population lives. Indonesia consist of 5 large islands, namely: Jawa, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya.
Indonesia has more than 400 volcanoes and 130 of them, including active volcanoes. Part of the volcano is located on the sea floor and are not visible from the surface of the sea. Indonesia is a meeting place, a series of 2 active volcanoes (Ring of Fire). There are dozens of active fault in the area of Indonesia.


Some experts divide India on the three main geographic areas include: Includes the Sunda Islands of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi. Small Sunda islands include Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara. Maluku and Irian At the time of the last ice, before 10,000 years BC (Before Christ), on the western part of Indonesia there is a land of Sunda are connected to the continent of Asia and the flora and fauna possible move to Asia western Indonesia. In the eastern part of Indonesia, there is land that is connected to the Sahul continent of Australia and possible Australian fauna and flora move to the eastern part of Indonesia. In the middle there are islands separated from the two continents are. Because it is the expert on Indonesia biogeografi share life flora and fauna include: Mainland Indonesia Bagian Barat with flora and fauna with the Asian continent. Central Mainland Indonesia (Wallacea) with endemic flora and fauna / is only found in the area. Mainland Eastern Indonesia with the flora and fauna that is the same as the Australian continent. Third part the land is separated by the virtual / imaginary lines known as the Wallace-Weber, that is a virtual line separating the West Mainland Indonesia Wallacea region (Central Brazil), and The Lyedekker, the virtual line that separates the Wallacea (Indonesia Central) with IndonesiaTimur area. Based on the Line-of Haluan State (GBHN) 1993, the territory of Indonesia is divided into 2 areas of development: West region of Indonesia. Consists of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Bali. Eastern Indonesia. Consisting of Sulawesi, Maluku, Irian / Papua, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara.   

Great Sunda Islands

Consists of the main islands: Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java and Sulawesi, and with thousands of islands are small and not inhabited and uninhabited. This region is the concentration of population and where most of the economic activity takes place. 

Sumatra Island

Sumatra island, is a broad-based sixth largest island in the world. This island of west sea to the southeast and across the equator, seems to share the island of Sumatra in two sections, the northern hemisphere Sumatra Sumatra and the southern hemisphere. Bukit Barisan mountain peak with some exceeding 3,000 m above sea level, the rows of active volcano, walking along the west side of the tip of the island's north to south, so that makes plain in the west of the island is relatively narrow with steep beaches and in the direction Indian Ocean and on the plains east of the island wide and sloping beach with a shallow and sloping towards the Malacca, Bangka and the South China Sea. 
On the north island of Sumatra adjacent to the Andaman Sea and in the southern part of the Selat Sunda. Sumatra island was covered by primary tropical forest and secondary tropical forest that is lush with fertile soil. Gungng vulcanic the highest in Sumatra is Mount Kerinci in Jambi, and the other volcanoes that is a quite famous Gunung Leuser in Aceh, and Gunung Dempo on the border with South Sumatra Bengkulu. Sumatra is the area episentrum earthquake because dilintasi earth crust by fracture along the Bukit Barisan, which is called the Sumatra fault and fracture in the earth's crust basic Indian Ocean offshore along the western side of Sumatra. The biggest lake in Indonesia, there is Lake Toba on the island of Sumatra. 

Population density of Sumatra island after the second island. 

Currently, the island of Sumatra administratively divided into the 8 provinces, namely: 
Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, South Sumatra, Bengkulu and Lampung provinces and 2 in the fraction of the province is the main island in the Riau Islands of Sumatra and Bangka Belitung Islands.

Kalimantan Island (Borneo)

Kalimantan is the name of the island of Borneo in Indonesia (the country Malaysia and Brunei have also located on the island of Borneo), is a broad-based third largest island in the world, after Greenland and Papua. The north island of Kalimantan, Sarawak and Sabah, Malaysia is the region which borders directly with the Kalimantan region of Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam; in the south bordered by Java Sea. The western part of Kalimantan island bordered by South China Sea and the Karimata; in the eastern part of Sulawesi island separated by the Makassar Strait. In the middle of the island is a mountainous region and hilly, mountainous areas in Kalimantan Indonesia is not active under the high and 2000 meters above sea level, while the coastal region is low, swampy, marshy land and a closed layer of thick turf. 
Kalimantan Island dilintasi by the equator so that the divide on the island Kalimantan Kalimantan northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere Kalimantan. Soil fertility on the island of Kalimantan is less when compared to soil fertility on the island of Java and Sumatra islands, as well as density of the population are rare. Kalimantan island of Sumatra as well, covered by a dense tropical forest (primary and secondary). The island of Kalimantan geologik stable, relatively safe from earthquakes (tektonik and vulkanik) because they did not break dilintasi by the earth crust and does not have a series of active volcanic islands such as Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi islands. Terpanjang river in Indonesia, the Kapuas River, 1125 kilometers, is located on the island of Kalimantan. 

Currently, the island of Kalimantan administratively divided into 4 provinces, namely: 
West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan and East Kalimantan. 


Java, is the most populous island of the population per square kilometer in Indonesia. Cross the island from West to East, is located in the southern hemisphere. Barisan mountains with fiery active high above 3000 meters above sea level in the island, one of Mount Merapi in Central Java and Mount Bromo in East Java which is very famous active. The southern part of the island is bordered by Indian Ocean, the beach and pitched in, the north island berpantai land and shallow sea borders with Java and Madura islands separated by by the Madurese. In the western part of the island separated by the island of Sumatra and the Sunda islands in the eastern part of Java island separated by the Bali by Bali. 
Forest on the island of Java is not selebat tropical forest on the island of Sumatra and Kalimantan islands and forest dipulau Java because of the more narrow the amount of population pressure in Java that the more compact and generally is a little forest and tertiary secondary forest. Big cities and industrial cities in Indonesia are mostly located on the island and the capital of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta, is located on the island of Java. The geologik, Java is an area episentrum earthquake fault because dilintasi by scaling up the earth fault of the earth's crust Sumatra island, which is released southern Java coast. 

Currently Java administratively divided into the 6 provinces, namely: 
Banten, Special Capital Region - Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Daerah Istimewa - Yogyakarta and East Java. 

Sulawesi Island 

Sulawesi island, the island is separated from the Great Sunda Islands ditilik when the life of flora and fauna because Wallace is a line along the Makassar Strait, which separates the island of Sulawesi Sunda Islands group of the time of ice. Sulawesi Island is a combination of 4 peninsula stretching, with rows of fiery mountains meet the active arm peninsula, some of which reach an altitude above 3,000 meters above sea level, fertile land, covered by dense tropical forest (primary and secondary). 

South dilintasi the equator in the northern quarter of the island, so most of the island of Sulawesi are areas in the southern hemisphere. In the north, separated by South Mindanao island - by the Philippines and Sulawesi Sea in the south of the island is limited by Flores Sea. In the western part of the island of Sulawesi Kalimantan islands separated by the Makassar Strait, a strait with a depth of sea in the very bottom of the sea currents and strong. In the east, the island Sulawesi are separated by geographic region Maluku and Irian by Banda Sea. 

Sulawesi Island is a habitat for many rare animals and animals unique to Sulawesi; among Anoa, Babi Rusa, Tarsius monkeys. The island of Sulawesi geologik very unstable because the earth's crust fracture dilintasi Pacific plates and is the collision point between the plates in Asia, and Australia plates Pacific plates. 

Currently, the island of Sulawesi administratively divided into 6 provinces, namely: 
South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo and North Sulawesi. 

Small Sunda Islands 

Small Sunda Islands is a group of islands in the smaller longitudinal equator from the southern island of Bali at the end of the western boundary Small Sunda Islands, in succession to the east is, Lombok island, Sumbawa island, Flores island, island of Solor, Alor island, and little to the south island of Sumba, Timor island and the island which is the point Sawu cluster terselatan Small Sunda Islands. 

Small Sunda Islands is the rows of active volcano with a high around 2000 to 3700 meters above sea level. Among them is the famous Mount Agung in Bali, Gunung Rinjani in Lombok, Gunung Tambora on the Sumbawa and Flores in Mount Lewotobi. Soil fertility in the Small Sunda Islands varies from very fertile on the island of Bali to dry desert in the island of Timor. In the northern cluster of islands is limited by Flores Sea and Banda Sea and the southern cluster of islands is limited by the Indian Ocean. In the western part of the Small Sunda Islands are separated by Java by the Bali and in the east, adjacent to the Maluku Islands and Irian (separated by Banda Sea) and the land borders of East Timor on the island of Timor. 

Based on the flora and fauna of the island of Bali is still the Great Sunda Islands, including the Wallace line of Makassar Strait in the north across the Lombok to the south, separates the island of Bali with a group of Small Sunda Islands in the era of ice. 

Forest in the Sunda Islands Small very little, even to the eastern island of the forest cluster has been changed with the sabana; also population density in the small Sunda Islands vary widely, from very dense on the island of Bali and to the east of the island cluster of the more rare. The geologik, Sunda Kecil area also include the unstable fracture dilintasi by the earth crust in the southern group of the Small Sunda Islands is the earth's crust continued fracture diselatan Java. Komodo, reptilia the world's largest island located in the Komodo, one of the islands in the Sunda archipelago small. Three Colors Lake, is a very unique area that is also found in the Small Sunda Islands, which is on the island of Flores. 

Currently, the administrative government small Sunda Islands is divided into 3 provinces, namely: * Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara. 

Maluku and Irian 

Maluku and Irian, the island consists of 1 Irian basar the islands and some islands are islands such as Halmahera, Seram island, the island and Buru Islands Kei and Tanimbar and thousands of small islands uninhabited other good or not. Weber line separating the region in two parts, namely Papua and Maluku archipelago with Australia so that in the Maluku islands, flora and fauna while the transition in Irian, flora and fauna in Australia. 

Most of this area is the primary tropical forest and dense secondary, except in the islands of Aru and Tanimbar the bushes and sabana. The highest volcano in the Maluku archipelago is Mount Binaiya, at 3039 meters, while on the island of Irian vulcanic active memlintang mountain from west to east of the island, the highest mountain is Puncak Jaya at 5030 meters above sea level. 

Pulau Irian is also a resident of the island with the most rare in Indonesia, which is about 2 people per square kilometer. The geologik, Maluku and Irian region also has a very unstable because it is a collision point of three earth crust plates, plates Asia, Australia and plates Pacific plates. Palung terdalam sea in Indonesia are located in this area, namely Palung Banda Sea, around the depth of 6500 meters below the sea surface. 

Currently, the administrative government Maluku and Irian divided up: 
North Maluku, Maluku, Papua and West Irian Jaya 


Indonesia has a wet tropical climate influenced by monsoon winds west and east monsoon. From November to May, winds blow from the North Sea to bring more Western moisture and rain in the area of Indonesia, from June to October winds blow from the South Southeast dry, a little moisture. The temperature in the low range between Indonesia 23 degrees Celsius to 28 degrees Celsius throughout the year. 

But temperature is also very vary;'s average near 40 degrees Celsius in the dry season in the valley Palu - Sulawesi and islands in the East until the 0 degrees Celsius in the mountains Jayawijaya - Irian. There is eternal snow on the peak-peak of the mountain in Irian: Trikora Peak (Mt. Wilhelmina - 4730 m) and Puncak Jaya (Mt. Carstenz, 5030 m). 

There are 2 seasons in Indonesia, namely the rainy season and dry season, in some places known seasonal period, the seasonal changes of the second season is. 

Rainfall in an average year 1600 millimeter, but also vary widely, from more than 7000 millimeter a year to about 500 millimeter a year in the East and Palu. Areas rainfall hujannya average is high throughout the year in Aceh, West Sumatra, North Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, Bengkulu, West Java in part, West Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, North Maluku and Irian in Mamberamo delta. 

Every 3 to 5 years are common, namely the El-Nino weather phenomenon that causes distortions the long dry season and rainy season is short. After the El Nino is usually followed by a La Nina the result of torrential rains and longer than usual. The strength of El Nino vary depending on various factors, among others, southern oscillation index, or Southern Oscillation. 

Data-geographical data 

Location: In the southeast Asia, the Malay Islands in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. 

Geographical coordinates: 6 ° N - 11 ° 08'LS and from 95 ° 'BB - 141 ° 45'BT 

Reference maps: Southeast Asia 

total land: 1,922,570 km ² 
non-water land: 1,829,570 km ² 
watery land: 93,000 km ² 
sea: 3,257,483 km ² 

Border countries: 
total: 2830 km: Malaysia 1,782 km, Papua New Guinea 820 km, 228 km East Timor 
Neighboring countries that are not contiguous land: India in the north west of Aceh, Australia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma 

Coastline: 54,716 km 

Maritime claims: measured from the base line of islands claimed 
special economic zone: 200 nautical miles 
sea, which is the country: 12 nautical miles 

Weather: tropical, hot, humid, slightly cooler in the highlands 

Plain: most of the coastal lowland, the islands have a larger mountain range in the hinterland 

Highest & lowest: 
lowest point: Indian Ocean 0 m 
highest point: Puncak Jaya 5,030 m 

Natural resources: petroleum, timber, natural gas, brass, tin, bauxite, copper, fertile soil, coal, gold, silver 

Land use: 
fertile land: 9.9% 
permanent crops: 7.2% 
other: 82.9% (1998 estimate) 

Diairi the area: 48,150 km ² (1998 estimate) 

Natural hazards: floods, long droughts, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, forest fires, mud, mountains, landslide. 

Environment - current issues: logging in the wild / forest pembalakan; water pollution from industrial waste and mining; daerak air pollution in urban areas (Jakarta is a city with dirty air to the 3 in the world); fog and smoke from forest fires, forest fires permanent / can not be quenched; perambahan preserve / preserve; wild hunting, trade, and extermination of protected wild animals; wrecking coral reefs; B3/radioaktif waste disposal from developed countries, without the separation of waste disposal / processing; wild bursts of mud in Sidoarjo, East Java. 

Environment - international agreements: 
part of: biodiversity, climate change, Desertifikasi, a threatened species, hazardous waste, Legal Sea, Prohibition Nuclear testing, the ozone layer protection, ship pollution, Perkayuan Tropical 83, Perkayuan Tropical 94, The wet 
signed, but not diratifikasi: Climate Change - the Kyoto Protocol, Marine Life Pelindungan 

Geography - note: the archipelago consisting of about 17,504 islands (6,000 inhabited); dilintasi equator, along the main shipping line from Indian Ocean to the Pacific Ocean 

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